My Services
Greece Useful Resources
Athens Cooperatives Network
Supports network members, the promotion of collaborative ventures within society, and collectives that want to start such ventures.
Coordination of Koin.S.Ep.
Hellenic Federation of Social Cooperatives with Limited Liability
PROSKALO Cooperation Initiative for the Social and Solidarity Economy
Social cooperative enterprises network of Western Macedonia
Social cooperative enterprises network of Central Macedonia
Social cooperative enterprises network of Eastern Macedonia and Thraki
Social Entrepreneurship Forum
Social Economy Institute
Wind of Renewal
"City of Athens Development and Destination Management Agency - Epixeiro Koinonika – Enterprise Socially"
Delphi Plus
"Development Agency of Karditsa (AN.KA S.A.)"
"Networking Platform for SSE organisations"
Relevant Trainings
MSc (120 ECTS) on SSE
University research and academic laboratory
Course on the management of social economy.
Social Entrepreneurship Training Program
On social economy, social entrepreneurship and microcredit
Social Economy Institute
P2P Lab
People’s University of Social Solidarity Economy
Heinrich Böll Research Foundation fosters social and solidarity economy through a series of publications, films, training courses, open discussions and conferences, and by strengthening cooperation between municipalities, organisations and civil society initiatives
British Counci
The SSE Education Platform
National Center for Social Research
Good and Bad Practices
Support Structure for the development of the Social Economy in Crete ʺKRI.K.O.S.ʺ
This support structure of Social Economy focuses firstly on providing support to the unemployed people to enter on the labour market by developing entrepreneurial activity in the social economy, and secondly on providing support to members of existing social cooperatives to retain their jobs and further develop their activities
Created by the Training and Research Centre of the Prefecture of Magnesia (KEKANAM SA) and operates as a separate
The “Centre for Support and Certification of Social Enterprises” aims to provide a certification mark to social enterprises for making them recognisable by the general public.
Social Co-operative with Limited liability (Koi.S.P.E.)
Social cooperative of the Dodekanissa Islands’ is a social Co‐ operative with Limited liability (Koi.S.P.E.), which is located on Leros Island and it is the first cooperative with this particular legal framework has established in Greece. Leros is a small island in the south‐eastern part of the Aegean Sea, the economic life of which has been, for decades, closely linked with the existence of the large public mental health hospital. The hospital remains, even today, the largest employer on the island. At the same time the differentiation of the islandʹs economy is confronted with its geographical isolation and with serious difficulties in any attempts for integration into the national and international markets of both products and services.
The activity area of KoinSEp ""GI THESSALIS"" is the marketing of quality fruit and vegetable products & aromatic plants that are cultivated exclusively by its members, which will be certified and will have been produced with environmentally friendly procedures.
""GI THESSALIS"" aims at the social and professional integration of vulnerable population groups from the Kallikratikos Municipalities of Larissa and Kileler.
Syn-Eirmos NGO of Social Solidarity
Syn-Eirmos NGO of Social Solidarity was founded in 2005 and is active in the fields of social solidarity, social economy, welfare and wellbeing of adults and children. In particular, the organization aims to support the activities of local communities, local governments, cooperation initiatives, collective social actors and volunteers.
National Policies and Strategies
Constitution of Greece, 1864
Article 11 of the Constitution
It provides for the right to cooperate: "Greeks have the right to form associations, observing the laws of the state"
It provides for the right to cooperate: "Greeks have the right to form associations, observing the laws of the state"
Constitution of Greece, 1952
Constitution of Greece, 1975
Women’s Cooperatives
Co-operative Banks
Limited liability social cooperatives (KoiSPEs
Social cooperative enterprise (SCE)